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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
People in Queue
Australia Joins the Cheque-Out Queue
Australia recently joined the growing list of countries that have either stopped using cheques or have announced plans to do so.
AI Business Person
Is ChatGPT coming for your Accountancy job?
A team of academics recently tried to answer that question. We asked for a second opinion.
Kicking Up
Sage 300 just keeps kicking on and up
One of the key takeaways from this year's busy conference season is that you can't keep a good product down.
The humble barcode has just turned 50!
We take a ‘This is Your Life’ look at the barcode as it celebrates its half-century.
Announcing Orchid's 2023 North American Award Winners
As TPAC wraps up for 2023 we congratulate this year's Orchid award winners.
Gordon Moore, of Moore’s Law lore, is no more
Gordon Moore, co-founder of Intel, died last month at the age of 94, but his legacy lives on.