Unhappy Boss

Not Happy, Anne!

“Sorry, I forgot” is unlikely to satisfy the boss when it comes to backing up your critical data.

The fact that World Backup Day (March 31) happened to fall on Easter Sunday this year might be presented as a mitigating excuse, but don’t expect much sympathy from the boss if you forgot to do your regular backup of critical business data last weekend.

And if you are only doing backups when March 31 rolls around, I’d suggest you have a bigger issue to discuss.

Australians old enough to remember the year 2000 will recall the millennial New Year celebrations, Y2K, the Sydney Olympics, and…the “Not happy, Jan” TV ad that quickly entered the cultural vernacular. For those scratching their heads, the boss had just become aware that Jan had missed the annual cut-off date for the Yellow Pages business directory. She was…not happy!



If you missed your regular backup (and avoided disastrous consequences) then, unlike Jan, you are fortunate that you don’t have to wait a year to set things right.

Better still, why not use Orchid’s Process Scheduler for Sage 300 to make sure you never miss another regular backup?

You can schedule your backups (and other critical business processes) to run automatically and unattended at a time that suits you…even on Easter Sunday.


The Sun Never Sets on Sage 300
Rather than setting, there are plenty of signs that the sun continues to rise for Sage 300.