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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
Casting a Net
Orchid casts its net far and wide
The variety of businesses represented in Orchid’s recent sales reflects the breadth of our product offerings.
African Landscape
Out of Africa, on to Toronto!
Our recent visit to South Africa saw us celebrate TPAC’s 20th birthday, and Orchid’s 30th.
Tennis Ball
Aussie Open Tennis - 2023 Wrap-Up
It pains me to admit it, but it was hard for the casual fan to get too excited about the 2023 tournament.
Shipping and freight composite
Escaping the Landed Cost Trap
Corporate graveyards are full of companies that failed to come to grips with the complexities of tracking and managing landed costs.
American Samoa
Going Global with Orchid in…American Samoa
Orchid's Sage add-on software has taken root in many corners of the world, including American Samoa in the South Pacific.
Hybrid Work
Embracing a Hybrid Working Future, and the 4 Day Week
The momentum towards a better work-life balance seems unstoppable. How can you embrace this challenge without compromising your business?