Management by Exception
Orchid products can help identify & escalate the 'red flag' issues, allowing key staff to focus their attention where it is most needed

Management by Exception, or MBE, is widely regarded as best practice when it comes to business or project management
MBE empowers staff to get on with their jobs, without being micromanaged. Management only get involved when something is identified as deviating from the expected range. There are different interpretations of MBE, but a good starting point is these 5 steps:
- Define: You have to define what you consider to be 'normal' before you can start identifying exceptions
- Identify: Put processes or systems in place, preferably automated, to flag conditions that sit outside that target range
- Escalate: Having identified an exception, make sure the right people find out about it as soon as possible
- Investigate: This implies having the right data, tools and skills to understand the nature and cause of the exception
- Remediate: This is where managers earn their stripes. (If the investigation reveals no further action is required, you may need to refine your model...return to Step 1!)
Many Orchid products can contribute to MBE, but these are Exceptional!
Watch our Managing by Exception Video
Steve's shows how a range of Orchid products can contribute to establishing a Management by Exception regime
“Orchid's Extender, Info-Explorer and Information Manager Suite add-ons have taken Sage 300 to the next level. It's like Sage 300 on steroids!”
Take the Escalator to the next level
These Orchid products & features provide yet more options for spreading the word about exception conditions.
- Notes: Context-sensitive Notes can alert Sage 300 users to exception conditions
- Extended Notes: This is what happens when you combine Extender & Notes. E.g. use a custom Python script to check for exception conditions, and display a 'conditional note' only when the exception arises
- Email SmartLink: This bonus feature, available to all licenced DML Users & Workflow Users, lets you create an email with one click when an issue is identified, paste in a SmartLink to the active Sage 300 record, and send it off for investigation.