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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
Python or VBA?
VBA or Python? The results are in, and it’s a “no contest”
Are you still using VBA macros for Sage 300 scripting? It might be time to have a closer look at Orchid Extender & Python.
North Sydney Traffic
Is Remote Working the New Normal?
Most CFOs agree that many workers who retreated to their homes during the COVID-19 lockdown may never return to the office.
Orca Comic Strip
Orca makes its case: 2-Step A/P Approvals Workflow
The Chronicles of Orca continue with a Case Study on their 2-Step A/P Approvals Workflow
Orca Lineup
Orca Approves! (Or rejects...using Extender Workflow)
Orca Oz Enterprises, (Orchid's alter ego), shares some of the creative ways they've found of using Extender to manage Approval Workflows.
Tool Kit
Remote Working Tool Kit
Looking for the right tools to service businesses with Remote Working challenges? Here are some you can add to your toolbox.
Remote Working
Orchid Goes Remote
A case study of how one business - ours - has rapidly made the transition from office-based to fully remote working as a result of the COVID-19 shutdown.