Orca Case Study

Orca uses DML to help achieve Paperless A/P

The Chronicles of Orca continue!  Our latest Case Study shows how they used Orchid's Document Management Link and Email SmartLink to help achieve paperless A/P Processing.

Since making their first appearance in our Orca Approves article, Orca Oz Enterprises, our unreal alter-ego company, have featured regularly in our webinars, news articles, and case studies.

The 4th Orca Case Study has just been published, showing how COVID-19 lockdowns accelerated Orca's move to paperless A/P processing, thanks largely to Orchid Document Management Link and Email SmartLink.

Find out how Orca helped achieve Paperless A/P when forced to work from home due to the COVID-19 lockdown:

  • To support Orca's move to remote working, Nathalie signed up to Zoom. She emailed the invoice to Sue.
  • After entering the details into Sage 300 A/P, Sue dragged and dropped Nathalie's email and attachments into Document Management Link (DML).
  • With a click of the Email SmartLink icon she was able to email a hyperlink to the Payment Batch to Steve, Orca's CFO, for review.
  • By clicking the SmartLink, Steve was taken directly to the Sage 300 Payment Batch.
  • With the supporting documents clearly visible and easily accessible in the DML panel, his review process was a breeze. 

As with other Orca features we've commissioned our favourite animator, @Jimesey from @pa_stek, to produce a comic strip storyboard to illustrate the case study.

Read the full Case Study here, and expect to see further instalments from the Chronicles of Orca in 2021!


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