Inter-Entity Transactions Infographic

How many entities do you manage?

The average Sage 300 site has 8 entities. Over 1000 of those sites are using Inter-Entity Transactions to help manage them.


When Sage recently updated their product positioning checklists for Business Management Solutions, one of the Sage 300 benefits they chose to highlight was its ability to manage complex finances for multiple companies.

Sage 300 checklist

The importance of this becomes clear when you look at these numbers published by Sage in relation to Sage 300:

Sage 300 Entity Count

That’s right, the average instance of Sage 300 manages 8 separate companies or entities, and one instance was found to be managing a staggering 858!

It’s statistics like this that drove Orchid Systems to develop our Inter-Entity Suite, building upon Sage 300’s built-in support for multiple entities to make their management even easier. That’s enabled us to add yet another impressive statistic to the list:

Inter-Entity Site Count

Perhaps it’s time you asked yourself the following questions:

  1. How many entities are being managed within your business, or those of your clients?
  2. Are you using Sage 300 to manage the complex financial transactions associated with those entities?

And if you haven’t already done so...

Shouldn’t you be joining the 1000+ Sage 300 sites who are using Orchid Inter-Entity Transactions to further automate and simplify those transactions?

Inter-Entity Transactions and Inter-Entity Trade are designed to integrate seamlessly with Sage 300, including with its web screens.


The Sun Never Sets on Sage 300
Rather than setting, there are plenty of signs that the sun continues to rise for Sage 300.