
Browse here for announcements and general interest articles. Use the menu bar above (or main menu drop-down) to access monthly newsletters, product news, and events.

Welcome Emma
Orchid Welcomes Emma!
A big welcome to Emma Fouche, the newest member of the Orchid team.
Pyconline AU
PyCon AU Goes Online
It takes more than a virus to knock over a Python. This year's PyCon AU event will be held online from 4-6 September.
Can Extender Do This?
"Can Sage 300 do this?" Using Orchid Extender will often, but not always, make the answer "Yes". We'd like to share the process we use for considering and scoping an Extender-based solution.
Orca Separation of Duties Workflow
Orca's Separation of Duties Workflow
Orca's latest Workflow Case Study features Parallel Approvals and Separation of Duties
Python or VBA?
VBA or Python? The results are in, and it’s a “no contest”
Are you still using VBA macros for Sage 300 scripting? It might be time to have a closer look at Orchid Extender & Python.
North Sydney Traffic
Is Remote Working the New Normal?
Most CFOs agree that many workers who retreated to their homes during the COVID-19 lockdown may never return to the office.
Orca Comic Strip
Orca makes its case: 2-Step A/P Approvals Workflow
The Chronicles of Orca continue with a Case Study on their 2-Step A/P Approvals Workflow