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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
Business Continuity
Orchid's position regarding COVID-19
Nothing can really be considered 'Business as Usual' in the current environment, but we are doing all we can to ensure that will be the case when it comes to supporting our customers.
Wow pop art image
Python - Top of the Pops!
After climbing the charts with a bullet, Python - the scripting language used by Orchid Extender - is on top of the world according to these surveys of language popularity.
Orchid Awards 2020
Congratulations to Orchid's 2020 North American Award Winners
Congratulations to BAASS and Equation Technologies for taking out Orchid's North American Business Partner awards for 2020.
car race start
Forecasting Success
What makes a company break away from the pack and achieve sustainable growth? You can't guarantee success, but you can forecast it.
Fist through laptop
Rage Against the Machine
Julia Gillard, former Australian Prime Minster, shares some thoughts about running the machine rather than having it run you. Could Orchid products help you apply those same lessons to your business?
Person in Doorway
Activating your Secret Sales Force
Your most effective sales staff could be hiding in plain sight. Are you making full use of them?