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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
Jump into 2023
An End-of-Year Message from Orchid
We’ll be taking some time to recharge our batteries, so we can hit the ground running in 2023.
Pile of parcels
Christmas can mean Many Unhappy Returns
Well-intentioned Christmas gifts often fail to hit the mark. Orchid RMA helps businesses turn unhappy returns into happy ones.
Is the cheque the next dodo?
Is time up for the humble cheque?
The paper cheque has a long history, but is it going the way of the dodo? We take a look at some of the global trends.
2022 ISV of the Year
A very rewarding FY23 Kickoff
It had already been a rewarding day. Picking up the 2022 Sage ISV of the Year award for Australia/New Zealand was the icing on the cake.
Going Global with Orchid in…Aruba
Orchid's Sage add-on software has taken root in many corners of the world, including Aruba the the South Caribbean
Rejuvenate 2022
We're feeling Rejuvenated!
"Rejuvenate 2022" allowed us to have real conversations with partners and customers in an unreal conference setting.