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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
Pile of Files
Turn Data into Information with Info-Explorer
An HBR article on Data Strategy got our attention. We think Info-Explorer can tick a lot of boxes when it comes to "tightly controlled but flexibly used" data.
Extended Notes
Extended Notes...revisited
With Notes + Extender, the whole really is greater than the sum of the parts. 3 years after coining the term Extended Notes we take another look at some of the many creative applications our business partners are finding for it.
Orchid Image
Welcome to the New Orchid Website!
We've been working hard in the background to create a new Orchid Systems website. Having decided it's ready to face an audience, we flicked the switch to 'live' a few days ago.
Pyconline AU
PyCon AU Goes Online
It takes more than a virus to knock over a Python. This year's PyCon AU event will be held online from 4-6 September.
Can Extender Do This?
"Can Sage 300 do this?" Using Orchid Extender will often, but not always, make the answer "Yes". We'd like to share the process we use for considering and scoping an Extender-based solution.
Orca Separation of Duties Workflow
Orca's Separation of Duties Workflow
Orca's latest Workflow Case Study features Parallel Approvals and Separation of Duties