Van Rossum Watch

Van Rossum Watch

Guido van Rossum, the 'retired' Father of Python, has popped up at Microsoft. What might this mean?

In December 2019 we reported on the retirement of Guido van Rossum and his legacy as the Father of Python, the scripting language used by Orchid Extender.

It seems retirement didn't suit Guido! Last November we picked up the tweet above, announcing that he was joining Microsoft's Developer Division.

This got the Python community quite excited. What was he up to? What were his plans? Here is just one response:

One day we'll see Python in Excel! It'd be so much easier for us then to write code for non-developers.

We're currently none the wiser, but the recent tweet below, announcing a Q&A session next week, suggests that we may not have to wait much longer!


Van Rossum Tweet




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