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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
Man facing chasm
Intercompany Accounting…the final frontier for automation?
Corporate structures are becoming ever more complex, and the volume and complexity of intercompany transactions are growing commensurately. Intercompany reconciliation is a growing challenge, and has been called “the last bastion of manual processes”, but help is at hand.
Thoughts on Profitable Customer Centricity
Statements like “the customer must be at the centre of everything we do" have become mantras in modern management speak, even if many businesses don't practice what they preach. We should treat all our customers well, but that doesn't mean treating them all equally.
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Benefits of Automation? Let me count the ways...
The benefits from automating data management tasks using Orchid products might be too many to count...but this list of eleven seems a good place to start.
PyCon AU
Steve and Anne get wrapped up in Python at PyCon AU
Steve and Anne recently spent 3 days experiencing the vibe of the local Python programming community, as over 700 enthusiastic developers gathered in Sydney. 
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Before the deluge…Touching the Cloud
'The Cloud' isn’t just on the horizon, it’s well and truly here. Even if your Sage 300 site isn’t yet ready to take the plunge into the deep end you can still make quite a splash with some clever integration.
Python Snake
Extender benefits from Python’s inexorable rise to No 1.
Python - the scripting language used by Orchid Extender - is close to becoming the world's most popular programming language, if it's not already there.