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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
Man looking through binoculars
Sage 300 as a Customization Platform? Take a fresh look.
Sage 300 hasn’t always kept ahead of the competition when it comes to customizability, but times have changed. We think it's time for a closer look.
BASIC Historical Monument
BASIC Makes History, 55 years on
New Hampshire recognizes the significance of the BASIC language with a new 'highway historical marker'.
Orchid Stats
Orchid by the Numbers
As we pass the halfway mark of our 26th year, we’ve crunched a few numbers. These 13 bullet points say a lot about Orchid Systems: Who we are, what we do, where we do it, and how we do it.
Workflow image
Introducing Extender Workflow
We're excited to announce the initial release of Extender Workflow for Sage 300. Our most versatile module has just gained a whole new dimension.
Man with skull cartoon image
2 DB, or not 2 DB? That is the Question!
Should you use one Sage 300 database or more when managing multiple companies or entities? Steve introduces the case for and against.
Remembering D-Day
As the 75th-anniversary commemorations wind down, David & Anne from Orchid look back at our own recent visit to the D-Day sites.