Business Continuity

Orchid's position regarding COVID-19

Orchid stands ready to support our customers through the challenging weeks and months ahead.

Regardless of where they are based, we understand that all our partners and end-users are having to deal with dramatic changes to the way they conduct their businesses, and indeed their lives. That's also true for us at Orchid Systems.

Nothing can really be considered 'Business as Usual' in the current environment, but we are doing all we can to ensure that will be the case when it comes to supporting our customers.

  • We are following all the directives and recommendations of our government and health authorities in order to support the health and wellbeing of each other, and of the broader community.
  • While we have an office in Sydney, all members of our team are used to working from home, or while on the road. We have all the tools we need to support remote working and are experienced in using them. If we need to spend less time in the office - or indeed none at all - we'll be able to manage this quite seamlessly.
  • Other than unavoidable changes to our domestic and overseas travel plans, we don't foresee any material difference to the way we support our customers and operate our business.

While none of us know exactly how things will play out over the coming weeks or months, we are confident that we are as well prepared as we reasonably could be. Our thoughts are with all our partners and customers during this challenging time, and we stand ready to support them.


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