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Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?
COVID Bar Chart
State of the Nation, one year of COVID
One year ago Australia locked down and shut its doors to the world. We review where we are now, and where we might be heading.
Mountain Stream
Let your Work Flow
With Sage 300 and these Orchid modules, you'll be able to let your work flow, like a mountain stream...
Sage Partner Cloud
Orchid supports the rollout of Sage Partner Cloud for Sage 300
We’ve been testing the new Sage Partner Cloud and Sage Provisioning Portal, and we like what we see.
Python Code
Develop your own Competitive Advantage
Could this be your formula for success? "Sage 300 + Orchid Extender + Python Developer = Competitive Advantage".
Pedal Car Race
Process Improvement Quick Wins
The benefits of process improvement are obvious, but where to start might not be. Here are some ideas for claiming quick wins.
2020 VAR Stars
Sage 300 VARs star in Bob Scott's 2020 list
Bob Scott's latest annual list of high-achieving value-added resellers provides yet more evidence that Sage 300 is alive and well.