Product Update (PU20240617) for EFT Processing (Sage Intacct)
This Product Update includes the following changes:
Security Role updates: Refer to Configure Security
- Users who generate EFT Files now need both EFT File (Add, Edit) and EFT Processed (Add, Edit).
- The Orchid EFT Tab on AP Vendors is now hidden if users have access to Vendors and Purchasing Vendors, but do not have access to the EFT Licence.
- The Orchid EFT Tab on AR Customers is now hidden if users have access to Customers, but do not have access to the EFT Licence.
- Orchid EFT Tab on Employees is now hidden if users have access to Employees, but do not have access to the EFT Licence.
Sundry updates:
- AP Payments was filtering out advanced payments too early.
- Add Customer Type and Invoice Created By to Create AR Payment.
- Dates were not filtering correctly.
- Fixed a scrolling issue when editing.
- Fix sort with null values.
Partners can download the update and install it through Platform Services.
Refer to EFT Processing (Sage Intacct) Release Notes