New EFT Product update v2021 PU1

  • Formats.ini file is now locked for improved security. To amend or create a new format, use Userformats.ini file.
  • Warning message if you run EFT Processing on a machine where the product update installed is an earlier version than an update installed on another server or workstation. 

Also applies to v2020 PU3, v2019 PU3 and v2018PU7

For details of product updates, refer to EFT Release Notes:


Bin Tracking v2025 is now available and other new product updates for Sage 300 modules.
Information Manager (with Notes and DML web screens) for Sage 300 v2024 is now available
Product Update for Process Scheduler (PU12.07)
RMA (Return Material Authorizations) for Sage 300 v2025 is now available
Extender for Sage 300 v2025 is now available
Information Manager (with Notes and DML web screens) for Sage 300 v2025 is now available
EFT Processing and Inter-Entity for Sage 300 v2025 are now available