Past Events

Below are some of the events that Orchid has hosted, attended or promoted recently. Return to the upcoming events page to see what else we have planned.

Inter Entity graphic
Webinar: Inter Entity Transactions

At this webinar we will describe and demonstrate Orchid's Inter Entity Transactions module, and answer questions.

Date: Wednesday 06-Dec-2017
Duration: 1 hour

We've scheduled 3 sessions, in order to suit business partners in different time zones. All sessions will cover the same material, so choose the one that suits you best.

Webinar: Managing by Exception using Orchid Products (Europe / Africa / Middle East Time)

Steve will be hosting a webinar for Business Partners, focusing on:

  • Managing by Exception using Orchid Products

Date: Wednesday 15-Nov
Time: 09:00 GMT (9am London)
11am Johannesburg, 1pm Dubai
5pm Singapore
Duration: 1 hour

Webinar: Managing by Exception using Orchid Products (APAC Time)

Steve will be hosting a webinar for Business Partners, focusing on :

  • Managing by Exception using Orchid Products

Date: Wednesday 15-Nov
Time: 16:00 AEDT (4pm Sydney)
9am Dubai; 1pm Singapore

Duration: 1 hour

Webinar: Managing by Exception using Orchid Products (American Time)

Steve will be hosting a webinar for Business Partners, focusing on:

  • Managing by Exception using Orchid Products

Date: Wednesday 15-Nov
Time: 15:00 EST
(3pm New York / Toronto)
12 noon Los Angeles / Vancouver
Duration: 1 hour

South East Asia
Sage Sessions: South East Asia (Customer Sessions)

Steve and Anne will be representing Orchid Systems at the following 5 cities as part of the Sage Sessions roadshow.

South East Asia
Sage Sessions: South East Asia (Partner Sessions)

Steve and Anne will be representing Orchid Systems at the following 5 cities as part of the Sage Sessions roadshow.


Upcoming Events

See what events we have planned