
'To invest or not to invest', that is the question!

Life is not predictable, as most news headlines remind us daily. 

In the SME market space we need to protect our assets and invest in our software, especially the workhorse in the accounts department.

Accounting software is not glamorous but it is, without doubt, the lifeblood of most businesses today. As employees we should be actively encouraging our employers to see Software Assurance as an investment in their business and not as a necessary or in some cases an unnecessary evil.

Software Assurance is more than an annual fee, it is a valuable service. Businesses can benefit by taking up multi-year renewals which gives them a 5, 10 or 15% discount depending on the number of years purchased.  Software Assurance entitles the client to  product updates and service packs at no charge,  Software error correction for reproducible errors and material deviations from the product specifications, Product Licencing support including assistance with loss of activation codes.

As new versions of Sage software are released so too are the corresponding versions of the Orchid Suite of modules. The new releases are compatible with Sage’s releases and include feature enhancements based on industry requirements and requests.

We encourage our customers to see Software Assurance as an opportunity to connect with their business partners and review their requirements and help grow their business.


Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
How realistic is the accountant’s dream of escaping “the round eternal” of never-ending accounting cycles?