
Software Assurance: it’s not just another slug!

For users, software assurance is an investment to protect their asset. For Orchid, it’s what enables us to provide the support our customers have come to expect.

Software Assurance is a vital, but often misunderstood, component of software pricing. Some may resent ongoing payments after the initial purchase, but there is really nothing slimy about it!

  • For customers, software assurance is an investment that protects their asset and entitles them to support when they need it.
  • For software developers like Orchid, software assurance provides the lifeblood that allows us to continue supporting our business partners and end users, and to invest in the continual improvement of our products.
  • For business partners, as well as allowing Orchid to continue supporting them, software assurance renewal time provides an ideal opportunity to contact their customers, and explore new opportunities.

When a business contemplates an investment as important as accounting or ERP software, the list of features might be the starting point, but it’s rarely enough to close the deal. They need to have confidence that the vendor has a solid reputation, will be continuing to maintain the software, and will be there to support them if anything goes wrong. It’s the revenue stream from software assurance renewals that makes it possible for Orchid to give such assurances.

What benefits come with Software Assurance?

Customers with current software assurance are entitled to the following services from Orchid, at no extra charge:

  • Product updates and service packs. These include both new major versions to align with Sage 300 releases, and other enhancements developed by Orchid from time to time.
  • Correction of reproducible software errors, or of any material deviations from the product specification that have been brought to our attention.
  • Product licencing support, including assistance with loss of activation codes.

How does Software Assurance pricing work?

Full pricing details are beyond the scope of this article, but the key principles are as follows:

  • Software Assurance is purchased at the module level, and is set at a percentage of the purchase price for each module.
  • Discounts are available to customers who take up a multi-year renewal, with higher discounts for longer renewal periods.
  • Subscription customers are entitled to the software assurance benefits above as long as their subscription remains current. Software assurance is included in the subscription pricing, and does not need to be purchased separately.

Contact your business partner, or Orchid Systems, if you have any specific questions about software assurance for Orchid products. 

About the Author:

David Lacey is Communications Manager at Orchid Systems. You can find out more about David and other Orchid staff members at the bottom of our About Us page.


Partner Survey 2025 Results
Orchid Partner Survey 2005 - Results Summary
Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out our recent survey! Here is a summary of what we learned, and what you asked us.