
Orchid's visit to Sage 300 business partners in the UK

Anne was in the UK late January and early February 2017, taking a break from the Australian heatwave!

While there she took time out to visit three of our Sage 300 business partners in the London area - Accord Consulting, Acuity Solutions and Oakley Global Business Solutions.

It was a great opportunity to provide in-depth training to consultants and developers, and answer the great questions they had about how Orchid products can best meet the needs of their clients. Just as importantly, Anne really enjoyed meeting these partners face to face, mostly for the first time, and building on a relationship that we hope will benefit both parties in the future.

For any other business partners who think they'd benefit from a personal visit, don't be shy in dropping us a note so we can keep this in mind if we find ourselves planning a trip to your part of the world!


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