News and tips for supporting the 7000+ businesses who rely on Orchid’s Sage add-ons.
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(Sage 300) Product News:
  • Process Scheduler: The latest PU (12.04) contains a couple of minor enhancements & fixes
  • Extender: The latest PU (12.12) contains a couple of minor enhancements & fixes


"With Orchid Extender, I can say yes to any customer request!"

Upcoming Events: 
  • 18-Jun: Orchid Webinar - Orchid Systems Overview & Update
See our Events page for full event details. Follow us on LinkedIn for event announcements & other updates.
Videos you might have missed:

Webinar: Spotlight on RMA for Sage 300

Our May Webinar gave an overview and demonstration of Orchid's Return Material Authorizations (RMA) for Sage 300, shared some useful tips, and answered common support questions.
Artlcles you might have missed:

Why Fortune favours Python

These recent Fortune articles reinforce the ascendency of Python, the scripting language used by Orchid Extender.
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