News and tips for supporting the 6000+ businesses who rely on Orchid’s Sage 300 add-ons.
(Note: Links to KnowledgeBase and other partner-only resources will require you to log in to our website.)
  • Info-Explorer: Key support resources, including an updated Training Guide, are now available in Online Help.
  • Information Manager: The just-released PU includes improved SharePoint integration and other minor enhancements.
"In the words of my client, Orchid Info-Explorer is 'a game-changer.' Since implementing it he is able to analyze more meaningful data in Sage 300 on his own. Info-Explorer is now used in almost every department of the company with measurable results..."

Articles you might have missed:

Using Orchid Videos just got easier!

We've started using YouTube Video Chapters, making it much easier to find exactly what you are looking for in our ever-growing video library.

Van Rossum Watch

Guido van Rossum, the 'retired' Father of Python, the scripting language used by Orchid Extender has popped up at Microsoft. What might this mean?
Videos you might have missed: 
  • Quick Start - Info-Explorer

    Learn how to get up and running in next to no time with Info-Explorer, Orchid's powerful yet affordable Business Intelligence (BI) tool.
  • Quick Start - Extender Configurator (Part 1)

    Configure Extender to trigger logging, or email alerts and notifications, when specified events (e.g. changes to AR Credit Limits, EFT Banks and EFT Vendors) occur in Sage 300.
  • Quick Start - Extender Configurator (Part 2)

    Configure Extender to manage and track approval processes using Workflow functionality that is included with the Configurator edition of Orchid Extender for Sage 300.
  • Quick Start - Extender Configurator (Part 3)

    Configure Extender to automatically create Orchid Notes when a specified event (e.g. a Credit Limit change) occurs in Sage 300. Configure Orchid Information Manager to determine when those Notes will be displayed on Sage 300 screens.
Upcoming Events: 
With COVID-19 disrupting our travel plans we're focusing on Webinars and other virtual events to stay in touch.
  • May 25-27: Sage Partner Summit (Orchid are presenting at this Virtual Event)
  • Jun 29: Webinar Tuesday with Orchid (Details to be advised closer to the date)
See our Events page for details and registration. Follow our Twitter account for event announcements & updates.
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Follow our Twitter feed @orchid_systems to be notified of new events, product announcements and other breaking news.

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Ideas welcome!

Contact us if you have suggestions for blogs, technical articles, videos, webinars, case studies etc.