News and tips for supporting the 7000+ businesses who rely on Orchid’s Sage add-ons.
(Note: Links to KnowledgeBase and other partner-only resources will require you to log in to our website.)


(Sage 300) Product News:
  • EFT Processing: The latest PU resolves a remittance printing issue caused by conflicting delivery methods
  • Report Runner: The latest Information Manager PU resolves an Excel compatibility issue
  • Bin Tracking: The latest PU improves auto-pick for items with both serial and lot numbers
  • Extender (Developer): The latest PU includes a range of improvements - refer to release notes for details


"Orchid Extender allows us to consistently deliver value to our customers that exceeds the cost of the custom work. We almost never have to say ‘No’ anymore!"

Upcoming Events: 
  • 9-Apr: Orchid Pre-Conference Training, Joburg (Sage 300, see below)
  • 11-14 Apr: TPAC Southern Africa (Sage 300, South Africa)
  • 16-Apr: Orchid Webinar - Spotlight on EFT Processing for Sage Intacct
See our Events page for full event details. Follow us on LinkedIn for event announcements & other updates.

Johannesburg Training (9-Apr)

We'll be conducting FREE face-to-face training for Sage 300 sales professionals and consultants in the lead-up to the upcoming TPAC Southern Africa conference.

This full day of "Orchid Speed Training" will help you identify opportunities for selling Orchid modules, and provide tips on how to effectively implement them. More Info and Registration here.

Videos you might have missed:

Webinar: Spotlight on Info-Explorer

Our March Webinar shined the spotlight on Info-Explorer, Orchid's affordable Business Intelligence tool, with tips on how to make cubes more dynamic and easier to use.
Artlcles you might have missed:

Sage Transform Wrap-Up

A quick look back at the recently-completed Sage Transform. Let's make sure what happens in Vegas doesn't stay in Vegas!
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