News and tips for supporting the 6000+ businesses who rely on Orchid’s Sage 300 add-ons.
(Note: Links to KnowledgeBase and other partner-only resources will require you to log in to our website.)
These two Apps from the Extender Marketplace perform complementary functions, but can also be used independently:
  • Screen Permissions: Apply highly granular, user-configurable permissions to any Sage 300 screen.
  • Field Level Security: Apply custom access control logic to any field in Sage 300. Hide or disable fields for users without edit permission.

Articles you might have missed:

Customer Boot Camp Revisited (Communication)

Many things have changed since 2006, but effective communications are as important as ever for building and maintaining customer loyalty.

Introducing the Extender Marketplace

We’re excited to announce Orchid’s latest initiative - Extender Marketplace. A one-stop-shop for Sage 300 customizations.

What Makes Customers Sticky?

Sage analysis shows an impressive correlation between the use of ISV products and customer retention rates.
Videos you might have missed: 
  • Drill to EFT Screens (Extender App)

    A short demo of this Extender App. Add EFT buttons to selected AP & AR screens, allowing you to directly open the associated EFT Processing screen.
  • Extender Marketplace - Launch Webinar

    In this recording of our June 2021 Webinar, we introduce the Extender Marketplace, and demonstrate a selection of the listed Extender Apps.
Upcoming Events: 
With COVID-19 disrupting our travel plans we're focusing on Webinars and other virtual events to stay in touch.
  • 17-Aug: Orchid Webinar - Topic and date TBC
  • 08-Sep: Orchid Webinar - Topic and date TBC
See our Events page for details and registration. Follow our Twitter account for event announcements & updates.
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Ideas welcome!

Contact us if you have suggestions for blogs, technical articles, videos, webinars, case studies etc.