News and tips for supporting the 7000+ businesses who rely on Orchid’s Sage add-ons.
(Note: Links to KnowledgeBase and other partner-only resources will require you to log in to our website.)

A Paper Trail that leads to EFT

Even where payment by cheque (or check) is still an option, the momentum towards fully digital payments is unstoppable.


(Sage 300) Product News:
  • All Modules: Refer to this Sage 300 Roadmap article for our current development plans



"When faced with a customer need or interest, Orchid is typically where I first look!"


(Our Events page lists all upcoming events)
  • 18-Mar: Orchid Webinar (Topic TBA)
  • 3-5 Jun: Sage FUTURE (Atlanta)
TPAC 2025 North America (Toronto) When registering for TPAC, please mention that you heard about it from Orchid!

Videos you might have missed:

Webinar: EFT Processing for Sage 300 (Tips & Resources)

Our February webinar promised you’d learn 5 (or more) things you didn't know about Orchid's EFT Processing for Sage 300. We gave an overview, explained the data needed for setup, and answered 20 or so frequently asked questions.
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