Business Partner Training (Toronto)

Join us for a full day of "Orchid Speed Training", designed to give Consultants and Sales Professionals an understanding of Orchid’s range of Sage 300 Add-ons.

Date:     Saturday 5-April
Time:     08:00 to 17:00
Venue:   Hyatt Regency Toronto (370 King St West)
Room:   Studio B (Conference Level)

Aim of the Training

There will be a balance of sales/marketing and technical implementation information. The goal is to position Orchid's solutions, so you understand how to:

  • Identify opportunities with your clients and sell the benefits to them.
  • Implement the products effectively, with an understanding of common implementation questions & issues.
  • There will be a particular focus on our most popular modules, e.g. EFT Processing, Document Management Link, and Extender.

We'll also give an introduction to "TeamWork for Sage 300", our exciting new mobile, chat-based collaboration and management tool, jointly developed by Orchid Systems and AutoSimply.

The day will be interactive, with plenty of opportunity to ask questions.

Cost, and How to Register

  • $150 for one attendee,
  • $100 Each for each additional attendees from same organization

Places are strictly limited, so please register early to avoid disappointment by sending an email to Robert Lavery

Detailed Agenda

At this stage, the agenda by product is as follows:

  • 08:00 to 09:00: Arrivals and refreshments
  • 09:00 to 10:00: Notes & Document Management Link (DML)
  • 10:00 to 10:15: Break
  • 10.15 to 10.45: EFT Processing
  • 10.45 to 11.15: Inter-Entity Trade and Transactions
  • 11.15 to 11.45: Extender Configurator
  • 11.45 to 12.15: Extender Developer
  • 12:15 to 13:00: Lunch break
  • 13:00 to 14:00: Extender Workflow, and introduction to TeamWork
  • 14:00 to 15:00: Report Runner, Process Scheduler, Optional Tables, and Info-Explorer
  • 15:00 to 16:00: Bin Tracking and Return Material Authorizations (RMA)
  • 16:00 to 17:00: Wrap-up and Q&A Session

Times are indicative only. As it is designed as an interactive session, this is subject to change depending on the attendees, but the order in which we will cover the products is likely to be as above. 


While not a requirement, some participants may wish to “play along” with the modules as we go on their laptops. If so, we ask them to do some preparation, so everyone is ready to start on time: 

If you wish to follow the training on your laptop, you will need to have Sage 300 v2025 installed, and:

  • Install all of Orchid’s v2025 modules
  • Load Orchid’s v2025 Sample Data (for companies ORCSYS, ORCLTD, ORCIN2, ORCIN3, ORCIN4)
  • Activate the modules using our v2025 NFR Activation Codes

You can download v2025 Product install shields, Sample Data, and NFR Activation Codes from

The NFR codes are for a trial licence that will expire after 30 days. If you’d like NFR codes that do not expire, you can request these by emailing us at, and including your System Manager Name in the email.



Classroom Training