Classroom Training (San Diego)

We'll be conducting a full day of face to face training, covering all Orchid modules, with a special focus on new features. 

Date: Tuesday, 12-February
Time: 08:30 to 16:30
Venue: San Diego Sheraton Hotel & Marina

Click the More Info button below for agenda and registration details.

How to Register

The event is being coordinated by Robert Lavery & Associates.

To register, or for more information, contact Robert by email:

Note that spaces are strictly limited by the size of the training room, so get in early to secure your place!


Sheraton Hotel & Marina, San Diego, California. (The same venue as Sage Summit.)


While we intend to cover all the topics below there will be sufficient flexibility to take into account the main areas of interest of attendees.


About your Presenter - Anne Fouché

Anne co-founded Orchid, and leads our Product Development team.  She is also heavily involved in Product Design, Sales, and providing product training to our Business Partners.

Anne has a Masters degree in Business, specializing in Information Technology (MBIT).  Prior to founding Orchid she worked for a number of software houses in South Africa, London and Singapore doing software development, requirements analysis and project management.  She spends her spare time exploring and swimming in the magnificent ocean baths and rock pools on the Sydney coast, and tending her herb garden.
