Webinar: Managing by Exception using Orchid Products (APAC Time)

Steve will be hosting a webinar for Business Partners, focusing on :

  • Managing by Exception using Orchid Products

Date: Wednesday 15-Nov
Time: 16:00 AEDT (4pm Sydney)
9am Dubai; 1pm Singapore

Duration: 1 hour

Register using the button below, which will take you to our GoToWebinar registration page, or click the More Info button for additional detail.

This webinar flows on from the Special Feature in the October 2017 edition of Orchid Partner News, and the related News Article. A focus will be on demonstrating a range of new and enhanced Info Explorer cubes.

  1. Defining Exceptions: The role of Info-Explorer, Optional Tables and Extender in defining the expected ‘norm’ (e.g. a budget), and what variance from the norm should be treated as a significant exception.
  2. Identifying Exceptions: How Info-Explorer and Extender allow you to analyse live data and compare results against the agreed norm.
  3. Escalating Exceptions: The role of Extender, Notes and Email SmartLink in notifying the right people when exceptions have been identified.
  4. Investigating Exceptions: Using Orchid Info-Explorer’s powerful BI capabilities to look for anomalies and drill down into the detail as you analyse the data and determine the underlying cause.