Orchid’s Inter-Entity saves labor and adds value at NRLC

The Company

The National Railway Labor Conference (NRLC) is a not-for-profit association, with membership open to any railroad within the continental United States. It represents member railroads at a national level when dealing with representatives of organized employees on various matters. (www.nrlc.ws)

The Challenge

NRLC found they were spending a lot of time manually creating accounting entries to allocate amounts among accounts for their members, and keep the books in balance.

They were sure there must be an easier way.

The Solution

Debbie Mazzullo of DataQuest agreed, and recommended Orchid’s Inter-Entity Transactions product. NRLC were impressed by the proposed solution, and gave Debbie the green light.

The Result

Debbie reported that, with Inter-Entity now automating allocations across accounts, NRLC was saving a day of work every month. She was very impressed by the ease of implementation, spending just 3 hours to configure and 30 minutes to install. Her client got an almost immediate return on their investment.

“My client is getting much more value from the solution than it cost them!”

Debbie Mazzullo
Founder & President
Mazzullo Inc.


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