Kicking Up

Sage 300 just keeps kicking on and up

One of the key takeaways from this year's busy conference season is that you can't keep a good product down.

Sage 300 users, business partners and ISVs have faced many predictions of doom over the past decade or more, but they never seem to materialize. 

We've recently returned from two TPAC events in Africa and Canada, plus a Sage Summit event in Asia. They left us in no doubt about the passion the partner channel and ISV community still have for the product.

TPAC Sage 300 is not just clinging to life. It is thriving. TPAC 2023 in Toronto was the best attended in the 21-year history of the event, and Orchid was thrilled with the bumper turnouts at our sessions. 

It's been particularly gratifying to find that the channel's enthusiasm for Sage 300 is reflected in Sage's recent expressions of commitment.

The combination of Sage 300's impressive core feature set, together with an extensive range of ISV add-ons, is a formidable combination.

Is it any wonder that those who know they are on a good thing choose to stick to it?

Long may it remain that way!



Man on treadmill
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