2020 VAR Stars

Sage 300 VARs star in Bob Scott's 2020 list

Bob Scott's latest annual list of high-achieving value-added resellers provides yet more evidence that Sage 300 is alive and well.

Bob Scott has just released his 2020 "VAR Stars", an annual list recognising 100 mid-market accounting software resellers. Rather than being revenue-based, his selection criteria are stated as “growth, development of significant products and services, and contributions to the industry”.

Sage 300 solution providers are well represented, with 13 VARs making the cut for 2020.

We’re pleased to note that virtually all of them are Orchid Business Partners, using our add-ons to add value to Sage 300.

This strong performance reflects the faith successful VARs continue to have in Sage 300.

Together with associated 3rd Party products, Sage 300 delivers a formidable and continually evolving feature set. This includes new web screens, support for remote working, business automation capabilities, and much more.

Another Sage Business Cloud Solution focussing on Business Management in the Medium Business Segment is Sage X3, with 9 VARs listed.

With COVID-19 dominating 2020, successful VARs found themselves having to take different approaches to not just stay afloat, but prosper. Some themes that came across in Bob’s interviews were:

  • An increased emphasis on employee welfare
  • More time available for, and devoted to, staff training
  • Remote working becoming the norm, and likely to stay that way
  • A focus shift from customer acquisition to servicing the installed base
  • Driving home the benefits of a diverse customer base
  • More use of webinars, and virtual meetings with clients, as business travel ground to a halt


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