Sage Partner Cloud

Orchid supports the rollout of Sage Partner Cloud for Sage 300

We’ve been testing the new Sage Partner Cloud and Sage Provisioning Portal, and we like what we see.

Those partners who attended the recent Sage North America “Partner All Hands” online meeting will have heard Mike Edgett, Product Marketing Manager, give an update on the Sage Partner Cloud, which launched in North America last December.

Sage Partner Cloud is designed to let Sage Business Partners take direct control of the deployment, customization and management of their clients’ Sage Business Management Systems, hosted in the cloud on the Microsoft Azure platform.

Mike described the purpose as supporting customers who are currently using Sage 100 or 300, and are very happy with the functionality these products provide, but want them deployed in the cloud. He was particularly enthusiastic about the role the Sage Provisioning Portal plays in automating Azure cloud deployments. To quote him:

You can now get customers up and running in Azure in an hour or two, rather than days.

Orchid Systems is one of the first ISVs to have been actively involved in making our products available through Sage Partner Cloud and the Provisioning Portal. We’ve been testing the provisioning process, and like what we’ve seen. Steve Fouche’s quote was included in Mike’s presentation:

Orchid’s key modules for Sage 300 are working flawlessly in the Sage Partner Cloud. Deployment of our modules proved to be a breeze and our testing has confirmed that the platform is fast and robust.

Sage will be executing a multi-faceted campaign to educate customers about the benefits of Sage Partner Cloud, but if you want a quick overview a good place to start is this Sage launch press release.


Partner Survey 2025 Results
Orchid Partner Survey 2005 - Results Summary
Thanks to everyone who took the time to fill out our recent survey! Here is a summary of what we learned, and what you asked us.