Ronald Black 2020

Welcome to 2020, the year of Ronald Black!

As the sun rises on 2020 we'll be saying "Happy New Year'' - but Ronald Black is already there, waiting for us!

For as long as any of us can remember Ronald Black has lived in a parallel universe. His world – that of Sage 300 Sample Data and Accpac Sample Data before that - has always been ahead of us, a year or more into the future.

Tonight, as Planet Earth completes another lap around the sun, Ronald is in for a bit of a shock.

For the first time ever, he’ll find himself here and now, sharing the year 2020 with the rest of us.

You see, when Sage recently released the v2020 sample data for Sage 300, they chose not to roll the calendar forward. Perhaps the keepers of the clock decided it must be lonely out there over the horizon, and after all these years of isolation Ronald deserved to spend some time with his community of admirers.

So, wherever you are, raise a glass to Ronald as you welcome in the new year, include him in your celebrations, and make the most of his company before he inevitably returns to where he came from, back to the future.

In the same spirit, Orchid sends its greetings to our own community of partners, vendors and users.

May 2020 be another year of collaboration and mutual success.


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