Orca Separation of Duties Workflow

Orca's Separation of Duties Workflow

The Chronicles of Orca continue!  Our latest Case Study features their GL Batch Approvals Workflow

Since making their first appearance in our Orca Approves article, Orca Oz Enterprises, our unreal alter-ego company, have featured regularly in our webinars, news articles, and case studies.

The 2nd Orca Case Study has just been published, featuring a GL Batch Approval Workflow allowing for Parallel Approvals and enforcing Separation of Duties.

Read the Case Study here to find out how Orca enforces compliance with their GL Batch Approvals business rules and:

  • Triggers an approval process using Extender Workflow when a GL Batch is submitted
  • Emails simultaneous notifications to all members of Orca's Finance Team (Parallel Approval)
  • Ensures that the GL batch can't be approved by the person who entered it (Separation of Duties)
  • Allows approval outside of Sage 300 using Orchid's Remote Action service, combined with Process Scheduler.

As with other Orca features we've commissioned our favourite animator, @Jimesey from @pa_stek, to produce a comic strip storyboard to illustrate the case study.

Read the full Case Study here.

Expect to see further instalments in the Chronicles of Orca!


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