Orca PO Approvals Workflow

Orca's PO Approvals Workflow

The Chronicles of Orca continue!  Our latest Case Study features their Purchase Order Approvals Workflow, enhanced by the use of an Extender Custom Table.

Since making their first appearance in our Orca Approves article, Orca Oz Enterprises, our unreal alter-ego company, have featured regularly in our webinars, news articles, and case studies.

The 3rd Orca Case Study has just been published, featuring a PO Approval Workflow that makes use of an Extender Custom Table to trigger a Conditional 2-Step Approval process.

Find out how Orca enforces compliance with their PO Approval business rules and:

  • Triggers an approval process using Extender Workflow when a PO is entered
  • Looks up an Extender Custom Table to check the PO initiator's spending limit and 1-up manager
  • Requests (conditional) initial approval from the 1-up manager if the PO amount exceeds their spending limit
  • Ensures the PO remains on hold until it receives final approval from the CFO
  • Supports use of the Workflow Anywhere app (or Remote Action Service) for approval when away from the desk

As with other Orca features we've commissioned our favourite animator, @Jimesey from @pa_stek, to produce a comic strip storyboard to illustrate the case study.

Read the full Case Study here., and/or watch this video of one or our webinars, which features this scenario, and more. 

Expect to see further instalments in the Chronicles of Orca!


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