
A recap of our visit to Sage, Atlanta

The Sage 300 community, and 3rd Party developers like Orchid, have many reasons for optimism.

Anne recently made a flying visit to the US for a Sage Developer Day in Atlanta, Georgia.

The main purpose of this event was to provide Endorsed Independent Software Vendors (ISVs) like Orchid with a detailed briefing on how support for Sage development partners is evolving.

We learnt more about the upcoming launch of the revamped Sage ISV Marketplace, which looks like a very welcome initiative.

It promises to increase the exposure of ISV products, and streamline the way ISVs and their resellers interact with Sage. It will also bring a lot more consistency to the promotion of ISV products in different regions.

Sage also took the opportunity to present the developer representatives with an update on their strategic direction and product roadmaps. This reinforced the messages we've been getting from other recent forums, e.g.:

  • While ‘native cloud’ products tend to hog the limelight, ‘cloud-connected’ products like Sage 300 are still growing, still make up the lion’s share of the ERP customer base, and will continue to do so for years to come.
  • While Sage 300 has multiple competitors in the medium sized business segment, not least within Sage’s own portfolio, it is still regarded as a core strategic product, deserving of their ongoing support and investment.

This all sounds like good news for Sage 300 users, business partners, and development partners like Orchid Systems.

On to Lawrenceville

The following day, Sage made our trip even more worthwhile by inviting us to visit the Sage Campus in nearby Lawrenceville, HQ for many of Sage’s North American operations.

After touring the site Anne settled in for a few hours of ‘speed dating’. Diverse groups of Sage staff dropped by the Orchid desk to learn about our products. This was a rare opportunity to mingle with teams we seldom get the chance to meet, and spread the word about the value we add to Sage 300.



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