April Fools' Day

Don't be a fool! Backup your Sage 300 data!

You can look like a bit of a fool on April 1st, or any day for that matter, if you haven't backed up your critical data.

Did you know that March 31st is World Backup Day?

Don’t feel too bad if you didn’t…neither did I until a few days ago...but their catchphrase and choice of date are quite clever:

Don’t be an April fool! Back up your files on March 31st...

What would make you feel bad is having to front your boss to explain that your company has lost some critical data…and all because you hadn’t put into place a foolproof backup regime.

...or April 2nd might end up being “Look for a New Job Day”.

Orchid products can help stop you making a fool of yourself

...on April 1st...or any other day of the year.

Process Scheduler lets you schedule critical recurring tasks, including but certainly not restricted to backups. These tasks can kick off automatically and unsupervised (e.g. after hours when your system isn’t in use), log the result, and notify you if something goes wrong.

  • Level 1 includes support for Database Dumps, as well as integrity checks.
  • Level 3 also lets you copy and/or load your database.

Add Orchid Extender and you can develop your own scripts to perform custom backup routines. Those scripts can them be executed when required using Process Scheduler.


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