Partner Awards

Congratulations to Sage Asia award winners

Orchid congratulates PT. Microtek Informa Solusindo for being awarded the Top Excellence Partner 2019 (Asia), as well as the winners of other country awards.

We were pleased to attend the very successful Sage Asia Partner Summit, which has just wrapped up in Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia. 

Wednesday night's gala dinner featured the annual awards ceremony for 2019. We'd like to congratulate all winners, and are thrilled to note that each of the winners below has been a great supporter of Orchid's products.

PT. Microtek Informa Solusindo

  • Top Excellence Partner 2019 - Asia
  • Top Excellence Partner 2019 - Indonesia

Zillione Business Solutions (Pvt) Ltd

  • Top Excellence Partner 2019 - Sri Lanka

Forward Management Services Co. Ltd

  • Top Excellence Partner 2019 - Thailand

Data World Solutions Ltd

  • Top Excellence Partner 2019 - Hong Kong

Careware Systems Sdn Bhd

  • Top Excellence Partner 2019 - Malaysia

Comptrac Systems Pte Ltd

  • Top Excellence Partner 2019 - Singapore



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