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2 DB, or not 2 DB? That is the Question!

Should you use one Sage 300 database or more when managing multiple companies or entities? Steve introduces the case for and against.

The support and flexibility Sage 300 provides for multiple companies is just one reason many businesses choose it over alternative ERP solutions. Orchid’s Inter-Entity Transactions & Trade modules magnify this benefit, taking much of the effort and risk out of managing complex interactions between entities.

Inter-Entity Transactions, which operates at the GL Segment level, can handle interactions between entities within the same Sage 300 database or, when using the Multi-Database edition, those that span different databases.

We are often asked, “which is better, one Sage 300 database or two?”

Of course, there is no one-size-fits-all answer, but Steve from Orchid has suggested a few opening arguments to consider when making a case for or against the single database option.

Single Database: The Case For

Take arms against a sea of troubles!

  • Regular maintenance activities (e.g. backups, periodic processing, Masterfile updates) don't need to be duplicated.
  • There is no need to constantly log in and out of Sage 300 when switching between companies.
  • Custom reporting is generally simpler when only one database is involved.
  • Sage 300’s GL Financial Reporter can be used to consolidate financial information across companies within the same database.


Single Database: The Case Against


Aye, there’s the rub!

  • Security is not as tight – it’s harder to “build a wall” between entities.
  • All companies in the database must share the same home currency.
  • All companies in the database must share the same fiscal periods and fiscal year-end.
  • Excluding an entity that has been sold off is harder.

Other Orchid modules can help to mitigate some of the risks or compromises mentioned above, e.g.

  • Use Extender to introduce custom validation and data-level security, protecting the integrity of data related to different entities.
  • Use Info-Explorer for Group Analytics across the board (rather than just Financial Reports)



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