Penang 2018

Penang Summit Wrap-Up

We reflect on last week's Sage Asia Partner Summit in Penang, Malaysia.

With Steve and Anne barely off the plane home from Penang, we’d like to take the opportunity to thank all those who helped make last week such a success.

As always, it's the people we get a chance to connect or reconnect with that make these events worth the time and travel. Sometimes this takes the form of a detailed product-related discussion at our stand, but often it’s the informal side-chats over a beer, or chance meetings on a beach, that can set things moving in unexpected but welcome directions.

When it comes to Penang, the exotic beachside setting and fantastic local cuisine are certainly conducive to conviviality.

Keynote Highlights
Penang Keynotes

In addition to the breakouts and networking, Thursday’s keynote presentations, all built around the “Winning Together” theme, were informative and well presented. The great graphics, a taste of which you can see above, also added a dash of colour.

Speakers included:

  • Kerry Agiasotis (Executive VP, Sage Asia Pacific) on “Empowering A Connected Asia”. He spoke about the transformative impact the rapid move to cloud-based applications is having, for both consumers and businesses, and the opportunities this presents for Sage and their partners.
  • Jennifer Warawa – (Executive VP, Partners, Accountants & Alliances) developed this further with her “Partnership For The Future” talk. This focused on the new skills and approaches that partners will need to succeed in this rapidly changing world, and what Sage is doing to support them.
  • Arlene Wherrett (VP and Managing Director, Sage Asia) wrapped up with her talk titled “Engage. Empower. Excite - Partner–driven Progress Towards A Connected Business”. She listed some of Sage Asia's key FY18 achievements while emphasising how the relationships with their partners will be central to building upon this success.


Man on treadmill
Continuous Accounting: A Realist’s View
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