Trophy Presentation image

Awards Season! And the winners were...

Congratulations to the winners of Orchid's North American Business Partner awards...and a new addition to our own trophy cabinet as well!

The Hollywood stars might hog the media coverage when it comes to awards in the first quarter, but it's also the time of year when the Sage community rolls out the red carpet.

For many years Orchid has used TPAC as the occasion to present our own North American business partner awards, and we continued the tradition at Vancouver in February 2018.  With over 400 business partners worldwide, many of them in North America, the competition is always hot. This year was no exception.

They say what goes around comes around. Steve had barely got off the plane from Vancouver before he found himself at the Sage Australasia conference...and this time he was on the receiving end!

Orchid Systems Business Partner of the Year, North America, 2017
2017 Award - The Answer Company

And the winner is...The Answer Company

Orchid Systems Award for Partner Excellence, North America, 2017
2017 Award - DataQuest

And the winner is...DataQuest

Sage Development Partner Award for Australia / New Zealand
2017 Award - Orchid

And the winner is...Orchid Systems!


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