
Congratulations to Sage CEO Circle award winners

Sage 300 and Orchid business partners figure prominently in the 2017 Sage North America CEO Circle award list.

Sage has just announced the North American winners of their 2017 CEO Circle award. This prestigious accolade rewards and recognizes their top 50 channel partners worldwide.

We noted with interest that over half of the North American award winners sell and support Sage 300. We see this as a great affirmation that Sage 300 is not just alive and kicking, but still enjoying strong growth. 

It was also pleasing for us to see that each and every one of the award winning Sage 300 resellers, listed below, is an active supporter of Orchid's products.

  • ADSS Global
  • BAASS Business Solutions
  • DSD Business Systems
  • Net@Work
  • The Answer Company
  • Atlantic Data Systems, Inc.
  • PC Ware Business Solutions, Inc.

We are delighted for them, and hope that our products have played some small role in their success by helping to extend the reach and appeal of Sage 300.


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